I dunno about you guys but you know what grinds my gears? Cable ties cut at 45 degree angles. https://www.instagram.com/p/BA-A-mNoG4P/?taken-by=letsgo.tools That little hanger isnt bad but can you imagine your arm sliding down something like that? You be going home and your mom be like you on drugs?! With them lines on your arms. I hear you, what can you do?! So your moms not thinking your a druggie and pulls your room apart... well you can get a Knipex Fur Plastic 72 01 180. This is a flush cut cutters. https://www.instagram.com/p/BA-A6S6oG4K/?taken-by=letsgo.tools Its jaw is flush allowing you to go right up to the cable tie and flush cut it easily. Look at how tight that is! https://www.instagram.com/p/BA-BEKlIG4e/?taken-by=letsgo.tools That allows you to cut right the cable tie flush so it doesnt cut you to shreds. https://www.instagram.com/p/BA-A6S6oG4K/?taken-by=letsgo.tools Enjoy! Amazon